Saturday, April 2, 2011

Due date......

40 weeks ago I never thought this was what I'd be doing LOL. Waiting for our baby girl to come and trying to be as positive as possible in the mean time!

I'm feeling fine, a little big but good. Walking daily and eating good :)

Had a wonderful massage and acupuncture yesterday which felt amazing!! Really took me to a great place of peacefulness :)

I have a docs appointment on tues to get the babys fluids checked and measured and if everything is fine (which I'm sure it is, there is no reason for it not to be) then we will just wait and see and wait for her to come.....if not we will talk about induction (which is the LAST resort that I want) I can safely deliver her up to 42 weeks which is April 15th. So no matter what goes on we will have baby Jo before April 15th! So its all good, just trying to keep active and stay positive :)

Had great sleep last night, got about 5-6 hours straight~ Haha.....awesome!

Much love to everyone, hopefully my next update will be titled "Johanna is here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and if not, its okay too :) But it will be nice lol.

Love, Maia

Sunday, March 27, 2011

39 weeks........

Well well I am just sitting on the couch being VERY pregnant and feeling like some sort of a large animal. 

I have only had a few contractions here and there, but nothing too consistent or intense. A few nights ago I thought it was coming but we were wrong....they were intense and then went away after I showered :( Oh well.....

I see Dr. Herold on tuesday for anther check up. 

Honestly didn't think how mental this whole thing was going to be, its crazy! Phil and I have our "happy moments" where we are positive and calm and then we have our "freak out moments" where we both are going a little bit batty and just want to have her out! Its been very up and down but I have been walking multiple times a day and getting my head right by listening to meditation music and playing mario Haha. 

Philip has been rubbing my feet and making sure I have plenty of water.....both our patience is being tested and it will continue I know but its been a wonderful journey to say the least and we both cannot wait to have her home in our arms! 

Got a massage last week which was awesome! Seemed to really get my mind right :) 

The weather is now no longer crap, we have some sun today which is nice to have! 

Just waiting and trying to stay positive :) Send love and good thoughts for Johanna! She will be here soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love, Maia, Philip and Baby Jo :) 

Friday, March 18, 2011

38 weeks............

Well well we are at 38 weeks pregnant! Crazy how quickly it all went to be honest....

I'm doing well, I take my naps every day and have lots of "feet up" time :) Sleeping is the only issue, I get some but wouldn't mind a good 8 hours solid! wishful thinking now I guess, I am okay with it though because soon we will have a beautiful baby girl to care for and love!

We are beyond excited to meet her, Phil is just going on and on about what she might look like and all her features, its very cute! He is ready to be a daddy and is taking very good care of me by asking lots of questions and making sure my pillows are fluffed for the night time :)

I had a doc appointment on tues and was not dialated at all which is fine but I was 75% effaced so thats good news! Slow and steady wins the race I guess.....

Next app is tues and hopefully Ill have more to update you all!

For the time being, send good thoughts and love for baby Jo :) 

Got our bags packed and we are ready to go!

Much love to all, Maia, Phil and Jo :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

9 months............holy cow!

Well.......I've made it to 36 weeks! It's starting to get very real....let me just say that!

I've been very crampy this week and VERY uncomfortable....not able to sit or even lie down ugh.

I called the Doc and she said that what I'm feeling is normal and the very beginning stage of labor....doesn't mean she is coming this weekend but it does mean that she is starting to drop and starting to tell me body what is to come.........

So we could have 1 week or 4 weeks....but all I know is this isn't too fun and I'm ready for it to be over soon....I can handle it but it's annoying to have it constantly through the day.....makes it hard to do anything!

We have also decided to switch hospitals, not a big deal because I'm still registered at both but Sutter it is! We are very happy with our decision :)

We are starting to pack the hospital bag (just in case) Phil is totally into it LOL.

Philip also got me a pre push gift which is a Nintendo DSI which is a portable video game thing with Mario games! (my favorite) He rules........and I love him. I'm on world 6 already and he just beat level 1 Hahaha.

Send love and comfort wishes this way....keep you all updated as much as I can :)

Much love, Maia, Philip, baby Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pregnancy Photos......33 weeks pregnant :)

Photos taken By Susan Helgeson.
We had so much fun taking these!!!!!!!!! Hope you all enjoy them :) 

much love, Maia, Phil and Baby Jo

Friday, February 11, 2011

7 weeks to go......


Well we are sure on our way, just had my 32 week check up today with Leora (who is a midwife at my doc's office)

Blood pressure is great, I even lost 1 pound! (veggies are paying off, and my daily walks) Her heart beat is strong, she is active, I'm measuring perfect and more importantly............I'm feeling good!

We also had our first birth class on wed night, my mom went with me because Philip fell down our stairs that morning (he is fine, but has a bruised bottom!) He said his tail bone hurts still, so he has been icing his butt on a daily basis :) Haha. (not funny but kinda!) 4 more birth classes to go, each class has different topics, so far its been good just a lot of info.....a lot to take in! But I'm sure I'll get something out of it :)

Today at 330 we are taking our pregnancy photos with Susan Helgeson (who did our engagement and wedding pics) She is amazing! Ill post them as soon as I get them :) So excited!

Cannot wait to meet her :) Baby Johanna will be here before we know it!

Much love to everyone, Maia, Philip (aka bruised butt) and baby JO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh and chino and zoe :) meow!

Me at 8 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

10 weeks to go......

Quick update here...

Had our 30 week check up with Dr. Herold. Went great, she is measuring right on track and heard her strong heart beat. "She is just trucking along beautifully" Says Dr. Herold.

I have also been on a veggie, no salt, minimum sugar diet (not really a diet but just watching it) for the  orpast 2 weeks and it totally showed, I only gained 2 lbs and I feel amazing! Dr. Herold said I'm right on track with everything and I look great. Blood pressure is normal and I'm gaining weight in just the right amount. So yahoo!

Dr. Herold did ask about a birth plan so over the next few weeks we will be coming up with certain things we want/need for the birth. Like, who cuts the cord etc. Should be fun to come up with the list.

She did say the next few weeks of appointments will be us just talking about what we want etc. So thats good.

Cannot believe its down to 10 weeks, give or take. Wow.

I'm walking everyday which is awesome and it feels great. We live in a great walking neighborhood.

Dr. Herold also said today "Today is a good day, whenever I see I have an appointment with Maia I get happy! Your so much fun!" Feels so good to have a doctor that I like and trust!

Okay, night. We are going to sleep allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll night whether she likes it or not :)

(see the mommy vibe is already coming into play!) haha.

Much love to everyone, Maia and baby Jo.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

30 weeks on Sat......

Well hello my peeps!

As I sit here and write this blog my heartburn is beyond insane!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure if it was the water I just drank or the Jasmine Tea (what the hell!) but it's through the roof! 

Other than that crazy crap, life is good. Just got over being sick (food poison) ya that was not fun! Poor Phil got a good chance to see what a 3am wake up call is like LOL. Poor guy.......he did great though! Took care of me and got me all better :) whew. Had 2 days off work too cause I was so depleted after yacking my brains out :( 

ANYWAYS! Other than that, life is good I swear. We have been so blessed with people giving us so much great hand me downs! I just got a stroller and car seat today from one of my parents at work! Its perfect and amazing and I cannot believe it! 

My boss and staff members are throwing me my first baby shower on Sat where the kids can come from my work and the parents too, food, drinks good fun etc. Should be great! A parent already dropped off 900 baby wipes from costco for us! 900!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! excuse me?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 900!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hard to imagine that we will go through it all but I guess we will.....ugh. 

Baby Jo is moving like a crazy person!!!!!!!!!!! She is just making her way in my tummy. Literally the most insane thing in the world. Sometimes its hurtful and shocking but its only for a quick moment. Weird stuff!

Tuesday is our next baby app. We go every 2 weeks now. She is measuring "perfect" and seems to be doing just fine. 

We also start our birthing classes on Feb. 9th for a month! Very exciting! 

We also have met with my friend Laura who is a Doula and we had a great 2 hour talk about what she does and how she can help us through this in a more positive light. I just love her! 

More to come! more pics too! Mariah is going to take some pregnancy pics soon! So exciting! 

Love to you all, Maia, Philip and baby Jo :) 

Monday, January 3, 2011

27 weeks, almost 7 months :)

Well well's a new year 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe how fast this year has gone....with the wedding and now this baby, whew....I'm exhausted haha. 

We have 3 more months to go (seems like forever but I know it will go quick) 

Phil has been such a huge help here at the house, he is helping me nest and move stuff around and get this place baby ready, he is rad. 

My mama has also been a huge help with organizing all this baby stuff, been getting a ton of hand me downs which is been soooooooo amazing! Cannot believe all my rad family and friends that have given us baby stuff! so cool :)

Taking some more time off work now, down to 6 hrs a day which is still a lot but whatever....

Still been taking a ton of baths and trying to sleep, which is not going so well. My sleep is and always will be the most important thing in my life! But, with baby Jo moving so much and trying new positions ugh.....and with our 2 cats on my feet.....good lord! 

Other than that, life is good and moving right along.....

here are some more pics :)