Wednesday, October 20, 2010

4 Month update....

Hello everyone, sorry I'm a little late in terms of my updates because we have been moving out of our apartment in Santa Cruz and moving into a house in Ben Lomond! It's been a little nutty to say the least especially because I'm out of commission with lifting and moving etc. But, we did it! Thanks to a ton of people....Mom, Dad, Marylou, Dennis, my boss Mel, a ton of Philip's friends and my friends too :)

Anywho, on Saturday I'll be 17 weeks and feelin' it (to say the least) Everything is going well with the pregnancy I'm just super tired and needing more and more support from friends and family. Which I'm getting :)

We find out the sex of the baby on Nov. 15th!! I go into the Docs for another blood test (ugh) and to get a flu shot and whopping cough too. yikes. Eating more and more as the days go, trying to stay active although my job requires me to be constantly active which is nice but super tiring by 5pm....I dream of sleeping like 45 hours straight Haha.

Here is a pic of me at 4 months in front of the new place. I will put more pics up of the house later.

It's getting colder and colder which is awesome for me cause I love to snuggle! Bring on the rain :)

Kittens are doing great too, they are slowly.........getting used to this new big house (Zoe was hiding in the fireplace for a few hours the other night) Now they are on my feet as I write nice it must be to be a cat.....sigh....................meow.

Love to you all, Me :)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

14 weeks...

I'm sitting here watching the Giants win the National League West and enjoying my husband running around the house yelling and dancing!

Meanwhile, I'm here on the couch sniffing away. I am very congested and not feeling well at all :( I read in my pregnancy book that it could mean there is more estrogen in your body or just that your sick! Since I work at a preschool I'm thinking its just a small minor cold but I guess I don't know.....

I'm growing more and more each day, I feel stronger each day but still have those "no energy" moments. I did manage to clean the kitchen today! Yahoo!!!!!!!!

In 2 weeks or so the book says I could start to feel the baby and at 20 weeks we can find out the sex if we want....still haven't officially decided if we are finding out yet. I think Philip really wants to know, I could go either way....

Much love, Maia and Philip "aka the most obsessive Giants fan ever"