Well.......I've made it to 36 weeks! It's starting to get very real....let me just say that!
I've been very crampy this week and VERY uncomfortable....not able to sit or even lie down ugh.
I called the Doc and she said that what I'm feeling is normal and the very beginning stage of labor....doesn't mean she is coming this weekend but it does mean that she is starting to drop and starting to tell me body what is to come.........
So we could have 1 week or 4 weeks....but all I know is this isn't too fun and I'm ready for it to be over soon....I can handle it but it's annoying to have it constantly through the day.....makes it hard to do anything!
We have also decided to switch hospitals, not a big deal because I'm still registered at both but Sutter it is! We are very happy with our decision :)
We are starting to pack the hospital bag (just in case) Phil is totally into it LOL.
Philip also got me a pre push gift which is a Nintendo DSI which is a portable video game thing with Mario games! (my favorite) He rules........and I love him. I'm on world 6 already and he just beat level 1 Hahaha.
Send love and comfort wishes this way....keep you all updated as much as I can :)
Much love, Maia, Philip, baby Jo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have much love and big wishes for comfort in these last few weeks. Can hardly wait for the birth day! love, mom